A sneak peek at Hypa Shift

Shift is our upcoming Import/Export app for BigCommerce. Watch our 5-minute walk-through of exporting products and updating their custom fields.

This app will allow you to bulk update a wide range of BigCommerce data types. We’re launching with Brands, Categories and Products, and will then look to roll out support for Price Lists, Inventory, Reviews, Customers, Orders, Coupons, Redirects, Subscribers and Wishlists. Let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to see!

Naturally, we’ve created Shift with all of the BigCommerce design guidelines in mind so it should look and feel just as you would expect.

Columns over complex formats

One of the big reasons we wanted to tackle this big hairy problem in BigCommerce is because we like the existing import/export tool required you to know JSON to be able to import complex fields like Custom Fields and Variants.

Instead, we decided that everything in Shift would be a column. Importing three custom fields? That will be three columns. Importing variants? That will be multiple columns per variant.

Are you interested in our beta?

If you would like to get early access to Shift to try it out and give feedback, please get in touch!

Tom Robertshaw
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